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Theme: “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going”

For the sets:

2016 SBC Conference MP3 Set

2016 SBC Conference Set CD/DVD

2016 SBC Conference MP4 Set

Video Previews


Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M.   Complementing Mr. Coulombe’s talk, Brother André introduced us to a great English martyr,...

By Mike Church Mike Church is a national radio broadcaster and host of the Veritas Radio Network. He features Brother André’s weekly...

This years Q’s and A’s dealt principally with how to keep the youth enthused about the Faith in the face of the counter-culture. And, a good...

$30.00 $21.00
 Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — "Finding Reasons to...

 Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — "Finding Reasons to...

  Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — Finding Reasons...