Main Categories


Theme: “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going”

For the sets:

2016 SBC Conference MP3 Set

2016 SBC Conference Set CD/DVD

2016 SBC Conference MP4 Set

Video Previews


 Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” From 2016 SBC Conference Mr. Potter contrasted true reform with false...

$3.00 $2.10
By Brother Alexis Bugnolo Title: A True Work of Mercy: A New Order of Crusaders Theme: “ Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going ”...

By Brother Alexis Bugnolo Title: A True Work of Mercy: A New Order of Crusaders Theme: “ Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going ”...

$30.00 $21.00
 Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — "Finding Reasons to...

  Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — Finding Reasons...

By  Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. From 2016 SBC Conference Sister spoke eloquently about the rise of the Counter-Reformation as it was...