Sunday Talk Topical Index


01 - 101578 - 22nd Pentecost; Apostles Creed, Philosophy of loyalty, "Render unto Caesar", Limitations of infallibility of Pope,  Authority of God vs. Civil Authority, St. Teresa of Avila, "If you want peace, prepare for war."

02 - 102278 - 23rd Pentecost: Death & resurrection of the body, October feasts 

03 - 102978 - Feast of Christ the King

04 - 110578 - 4th Epiphany (addl.): November feasts, Orate fratres, Dies Irae

05 - 111278 - 5th Epiphany (addl.): Papal infallibility, Suscipiat Dominus, Fr. Leonard Goffine

06 - 111978 - 6th Epiphany (addl.): Praeceptis Salutaribus, Our Father, Sapientis Ordinari, November feasts 

07 - 112678 - 24th (Last) Pentecost: November feasts, Nature & Grace

08 - 120378 - 1st Advent: Conquistadors, St. Francis Xavier,  December feasts

09 - 121078 - 2nd Sunday of Advent: December devotions

10 - 121778 - Gaudete Sunday: Christmas, St. Paul, St. John the Baptist

11 - 122478 - Christmas Vigil: St. Mark, Gloria, Sermon by Fr. Ferdinand Heckman

12 - 123178 - Sunday within the Octave of Christmas: Circumcision


13 - 010779 - Holy Family Sunday: Christ and the Mass, January feasts, "Think with the Church", The Holy Name

14 - 011479 - 2nd  Epiphany: St. Mary Major, "I am yours, and all that belongs to me is yours", Our Lady of the Snows, "Our Lady, Savior of the     Romans", January Feasts, St. Hilary of Poitiers, Psalm 126

15 - 012179 - 3rd Epiphany: January feasts, Apostles & Councils (Memory Items), 7 Great Periods of History, "As many heads, so many opinions", "There are some outside the fold"

16 - 012879 - 4th Epiphany: Gloria (Translation); "Be not faint of heart", Redemption vs. Salvation, Monthly Devotions, The Holy Name, Councils (Memory Items), Books of Holy Scripture

17 - 020479 - 5th Epiphany: February Feasts, Doctors of the Church & their titles, Parables, Council of Trent, Adoro te Devote

18 - 021179 - Septuagesima: "We Adore Thee, O Christ", Docility and Obedience, Our Lady of Lourdes, Franz Werfel’s Song of Bernadette,  Popes of 19th and 20th Centuries, "mutatis mutandis"

19 - 022579 - Quinquagesima: Lent, Job, Old Testament, Labor, Anias & Troy, St. Paul on Charity

20 - 030479 - 1st Sunday in Lent: Poetry, Our Lord's Temptations, March feasts

21 - 031179 - 2nd Lent: Domestic Church, Papal Infallibility, St. Ephrem, Arianism, Stabat Mater

22 - 031879 - 3rd Lent: St. Patrick, Job, Patience, 3 Major Betrayals 1755 - Acadians, 1772 - Poland, 1773 - Pope Clement XXIV, Society Of Jesus

23 - 040179 - Passion Sunday: Feasts Of April, Passion Sunday, Epistle-Sacrifice, St. Gertrude, St. John Chrysostum

24 - 040879 - Palm Sunday: Feast of April, Father Feeney, Natural vs. Supernatural Goodness


25 - 041579 - Easter Sunday: Minucius Felix, Octavius Januaris, Cicilius Natalis, 5 approved Litanies, Feasts of April

26 - 072279 - 7th Pentecost: Feast of St. Mary Magdalen, Monthly Devotions, Feasts of July,  3 Prayers before the priest’s Communion, Piety,  "When you were servants of sin you were free from justice."

27 - 072979 - 8th Pentecost: 3 Prayers before priest’s Communion, Fiat Lux, Gloria

28 - 080579 - 9th Pentecost: Feasts of August, Battle of Hungry 15 century, Battle of Lepanto 16 century, Battle of Vienna 17 century, "My house is a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of thieves.", Paetus and Arria, O Salutaris Hostia, Tantum ergo 

29 - 090979 - 14th Pentecost: 12 Fruits of the Holy Ghost, Ex opere operatus, 1st century persecuters, Books of the Bible,  Augustus Caesar, Julian & Flavian Houses of Roman nobility, Location of the Apostles relics 

30 - 091679 - 15th Pentecost: The 24 dates, Feasts of September, Aspects of the Blessed Sacrament, Stabat Mater 

31 - 092379 - 16th Pentecost: Feasts of September, Dante, 10 Persecuters

32 - 093079 - 17th Pentecost: St. Augustine’s Confessions, Te Deum, 30 Year War, Sermon by Fr. Leonard Goffine

33 - 100779 - 18th Pentecost: 4th Century, 313, 387, Manichianism, St. Helena, Battle of Belgrade, Lepanto, Vienna, Ephesus

34 - 101479 - 19th Pentecost: Hell and it's punishments, Sts. Helena & Monica, St. Damasus & Theodosius the Great, St. Pulcheria, 5th Century

35 - 102179 - 20th Pentecost: Simplicity, Authority of the pope, Freud, Marx, Einstein, 529 - the year of “Law and Order”, Code of Justinian, Monte Christo, Benedictines founded, Academy of Plato dis-established 

36 - 102879 - 21st Pentecost: Sts. Simon and Jude, Monthly Devotions,  21 Ecumenical Councils, 8 councils in the East, Saints who attended, Mohammed- Iconoclasm.


37 - 110479 - 22nd Pentecost: Requiem Aeternum, The Pantheon, November feasts, Mystical Body, 21 Councils and their Popes, Century of Islam.

38 - 111179 - 23rd Pentecost: Historical Dates, Five titles of the Pope, Four Marks of Ex Cathedra pronouncement,  November feasts

39 - 111879 - 6th Epiphany (addl.): November saints, Five Saint Gregorys who were Popes, Five Sequences

40 - 112579 - 24th (Last) Pentecost: St. Thomas Aquinas - Summa Theologica, Pope Gregorys I-XVI, Twelve issues that arose between Nicea I and Vatican I

41 - 120279 - 1st Advent: Explanation of M.I.C.M., Veni Veni Emanuel, Doctors of the 4th century, AD 313, 387, 312 - Battle of Milvian Bridge, Decisive battles in History - Axium 31 BC, Armuke 636, Pautae 711, Haptire 1187, Feasts of December

42 - 120979 - 2nd Advent: First Six Prophets, St. Matilda- 968, St. Olga- 969, Simony, Nepotism

43 - 121679 - Gaudete Sunday, Laetare and Gaudete, Pope St. Gregory  590-604, 4 great Doctors of the Church, First 4 Councils, Msgr. Cassano

44 - 122379 - 4th Advent: Five Masses with hymns, 2 Pope Gregorys who abdicated, Marosia

45 - 010680 - Epiphany Sunday: Cain and Abel, Noe, Genealogy of Our Lord, Holy Name, INRI, IHS.

46 - 011380 - Holy Family Sunday: Revelations of God, Ancillae Theologiae, Symbol of the fish, Feasts of January

47 - 012080 - 2nd Epiphany: Four meanings of Holy Scripture, St. Thomas’ Summa Theologica - Objection 1

48 - 012780 - 3rd Epiphany, St. John Chrysostum, Chap. 3 Summa Theologica, Doctors of the Church from 313-755, Five methods of proving the existence of God by natural reason


49 - 020380 - Septuagesima Sunday: February saints, Liberal Education, Review of Pope Gregorys

50 - 021080 - Sexagesima Sunday: Alexander VI, Popes that started the centuries since 1000,  AD 714, AD 1123, Envy

51 - 021780 - Quinquagesima Sunday: Ash Wednesday, Manicheanism, "Serve God in joy"; AD 1123, AD 1270

52 - 022480 - 1st Lent: The good and the goodness of God, AD 1270-1517, Psalm 90

53 - 030280 - 2nd Lent: Transfiguration, Fr. Lee, Three times God the Father spoke

54 - 030980 - 3rd Lent: Occuli Sunday: March 12, 1622, St. Thomas Aquinas

55 - 032380 - Passion Sunday: St. Thomas - Eternity

56 - 033080 - Palm Sunday: Respect for Tradition, Liberalism/Americanism, Predestination,Modernism

57 - 040680 - Easter Sunday: Short talk (256th Sunday meeting), Victimae Paschali, the Resurrection, Fr. Belarte, Leaven, Easter Gospel

58 - 041380 - Quasimodo Sunday: Feasts of April, Adoro te Devote

59 - 042080 - 2nd Sunday after Easter: Epistle & Gospel, How to convert America, Catholic studies, 

60 - 042780 - 3rd Sunday after Easter: St. Peter Canisius, Doctors of the Church (and Dates), 3rd Order info & Crusade


61 - 050480 - 4th Sunday after Easter: St. Monica, Duties of 3rd order members 

62 - 051180 - 5th Sunday after Easter: Saint Augustine Institute of Catholic Studies, Saints of May

63 - 051880 - Sunday within the Octave of the Ascension: Salvation, Requirements for canonization, Saints of May

64 - 060180 - Trinity Sunday: Dogma, Saints of June, Trinity, O Esca viatorum

65 - 060880 - 2nd Pentecost: Books of the Bible, Salvation, O Esca viatorum

66 - 061580 - 3rd Pentecost: Devotions for the Months, Devotions for the days of the week, O Salutaris Hostia

67 - 062280 - 4th Pentecost: Two Poems by Fr. Feeney, Obedience to God’s authority

68 - 070680 - 6th Pentecost: Baptism & Holy Eucharist, "The Lord is the protector of His people"; July feasts, "The Sacred Heart" by: Br. Francis

69 - 092180 - 17th Pentecost: Jeremias 12:11, Seven Sorrows of Our Lady, Saints of September, Doctors of the Church

70 - 092880 - 18th Pentecost: Rushdi Maluf, O Salutaris Hostia, Tantum Ergo

71 - 100580 - 19th Pentecost: "Salus Populi" Sunday, October Devotions, Rosary, "God does not want malice"

72 - 101980 - 21st Pentecost: Psalm 118, Poetry and education, Dante


73 - 110280 - 22nd Pentecost; Sacramentality of the Church; Importance of poetry; Aubre de Vere "The Sacraments of Nature"; Purgatory; Indulgences; Dies Irae

74 - 110980 - Sundays before Advent; Betrayal of the Church; 5 Titles of the Popes

75 - 111680 - St. Gertrude; Charles Warren Stoddard; Memory Items 

76 - 112380 - Last Sunday After Pentecost; Dies Irae; Number Game; Theodore of Studium

77 - 113080 - 1st Advent; End Times; Purgatory; Dies Irae; Poem of Virgil translated by Thomas Walsh

78 - 012780 - 2nd Advent; Emily Hickey; December Feasts; Devotion to the Divine Infancy

79 - 121480 - Gaudette Sunday; St. Francis of Assisi; St. John the Baptist and Baptism; Rev. John H. Stapleton; Canticle of Br. Son

80 - 122180 - 4th Advent; St. Thomas on Habit; Importance of poetry; Description of weekly courses; Number 5; Msgr. Gaume "Catechism of Perseverance"; Sign of the Cross; Litany of Loretto

81 - 011181 - Holy Family Sunday; 3 major Encyclicals of Catholic Family life; 7 great Christian dynasties; St. Augustine on the Epiphany

82 - 011881 - 2nd Epiphany; January Feasts; Holy Name; 9 Charismata of the Apostles; 6 means of Purification; Wedding of Cana

83 - 020881 - 5th Epiphany; Authority of the Pope; Number 14; Adoramus te Christe; 1648 Treaty of Westphalia/Birth of Leonard Goffine; litany of Loretto

84 - 021581 - Septuagesima; Adoramus te Christe; Our Lady of Lourdes; Immaculate Conception; Popes of the 19th Century; Mutatis Mutandis


85 - 030181 - Sexigesima Sunday; Poetry of the Doctors; "Jesu cum Maria, sic nobis in via"; Christopher Columbus

86 - 030881 - 1st Lent - "Roma locuta est, causa finita est"; Knute Rockne; St. Kateri Tekakwitha; Joyce Kilmer; Elizabeth Seton; Stabat Mater

87 - 031581 - 2nd Lent; "Frater, qui adjuvator a fratrae quasi civitas firma"; March Feasts; Transfiguration; Quotes from St. Thomas and St. Augustine; Adoro te Devote

88 - 032281 - 3rd lent "Oculi Sunday"; March feasts

89 - 032981 - Laetare Sunday; "Multi dicunt, quis ostendit nobis bona"; Multiplication of loaves and fishes

90 - 040581 - Passion Sunday; Orestes Brownsen; April Feasts

91 - 041281 - Palm Sunday; Explanation of Sunday Courses; "O felix culpa"; St. Gemma Galgani

92 - 042681 - Low Sunday; Feasts of 12 Apostles; Frederick William Faber: "The Apparition of Jesus to Our Blessed Lady"; Victime Paschali

93 - 050381 - 2nd Easter; Benjamin Francis Musser; 4 Senses of Holy Scripture; Years of Deaths of 12 Apostles

94 - 051081 - 3rd Easter; "Nun Coepi"; First 4 Ecumenical Councils; Fr. Junipero Serra

95 - 052481 - 5th Easter; Fr. Abraham Ryan; 5 Sequences; 

96 - 053181 - Sunday After Ascension; 6 Holy Days in the USA