Search resultsProducts found: 123

  Theme:  Concerning Heroes and Heroines   From 2012 SBC Conference   Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. – Opening Remarks CD, DVD, or...

By Charles A. Coulombe   The Holy Grail: it conjures images of a rich and fantastic world full of magnificent adventures and perilous quests by...

The Canons and Decrees of Trent and Vatican I - In Latin and English - Paperback, 170 pages Here you will find all of the essential documents and...

Patapsco Spirits Eleven Ghost Stories Softcover, 250 Pages About the Book A bohemian artist obsessed with a lonely woodland pond...

Come Rack, Come Rope  is a gripping historical novel which takes place during Queen Elizabeth I’s persecution of English Catholics. Based on the real...

By Father Leonard Feeney, M.I.C.M Very few American priests have been as famous or have had as much influence on the Catholic church in the 20th...

By Ralph Adams Cram The title “Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh” means simply this: Gold is the pure, imperishable quality of the monastic ideal,...

by Charles A. Coulombe This is the book that put Charles Coulombe on the map, as a force to be reckoned with! It is comprised of three sections. The...

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused Concepts Title:  Kingship and Sacrament: What the...

By Dr. Robert Hickson, Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M., Sr. Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M., Mr. Gary Potter , Dr. G.C. Dilsaver , Mr....

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines   Title:  Heroism at Home From 2012 SBC Conference Mr. Coulombe...

By Dr. Robert Hickson, Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M., Sr. Mary Peter, M.I.C.M., Mr. Gary Potter , Dr. G.C. Dilsaver , Mr....

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? Charles Coulombe, who served as MC for the conference, took occasion of...

By Dr. Robert Hickson , Sr. Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. , Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. ,  Mr. Gary Potter, Mr. Yves Jacques ,   Mr. Charles Coulombe,...

By  Mr. Charles Coulombe   Theme: Catholic and counterrevolutionary Mr. Coulombe is a gifted orator with a vast amount of knowledge. His...

Theme: Catholic and Counterrevolutionary By  Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. ,  Dr. Robert Hickson ,  Mr. Charles Coulombe...

By  Mr. Charles Coulombe   The Other Americans: Loyalists, Confederates, and Other Dissenters – How Catholic Were They?...

By  Mr. Charles Coulombe   Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills.   If Mary is our Queen then we are...

Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills.   Master of Ceremonies, Charles Coulombe, led the Q & A with flair. All of...

By  Mr. Charles Coulombe   Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: Laureate of Little Towns: Father Feeney’s Place in Catholic...

By  Mr. Charles Coulombe       Mr. Coulombe, a scholar, par excellence, of history, focused on England and the Anglosphere....

Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M.   Complementing Mr. Coulombe’s talk, Brother André introduced us to a great English martyr,...

By Charles Coulombe 2017 SBC Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Charles Coulombe spoke about the  Reign of the Two Hearts:...

By Charles Coulombe 2018 SBC Conference Theme: Saving America  Also available as MP4 and MP3