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Politics and Society

Title: The Triumph of the Catholic Cause: On Trust, Providence, and Action By Mr. John Sharpe One of the major points of this compelling talk by Mr....

$3.00 $2.10
Title: The Triumph of the Catholic Cause: On Trust, Providence, and Action By Mr. John Sharpe One of the major points of this compelling talk by Mr....

By Heinrich Pesch Ethics and the National Economy was written by Jesuit Fr. Heinrich Pesch in 1917 as part of a symposium of Catholic thinkers on the...

George O'Brien, Softcover, 160
By George O'Brien Essay on the Economic Effects of the Reformation is a masterful work of economic history by one of the 20th century's premier economic...

By Hilaire Belloc. Foreword by Dr. Alberto Piedra PhD, Introduction by Dr. Edward A. McPhail Ph.D. This classic introduction to the basics of economic...

By various authors. Subtitled: Modern Catholic Voices on Going Forward to the Land. Is a return to the land utopian folly or outdated futility? Or is it...

G.K. Chesterton Utopia of Usurers is Chesterton at his energetic and boisterous best, taking on the economic and cultural apostles of modern industrial...

Jean Ousset, Softcover, 272
Jean Ousset Action is a definitive manual on Catholic Action by one of the 20th's great lay Catholic scholars of Catholic Action. This book discusses not...

Title: Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Catholic Politics (But It's not What You Might Imagine): Theoretical Notes and Historical Anecdotes. By Mr. John...

Title: On Parasites and Christian Knights: The Role of Catholic Education in the Crusade. By Brad Grinstead In this evocative presentation...