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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-08 Sunday Talks from Sexagesima Sunday to Ascension Sunday 1981 Between 1978 and 1989 in Still River and Bolton,...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. This course studies matter in motion, substantial change, and therefore, the whole material universe as it manifests the...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Also available as MP3 downloads In the scholastic sense, psychology is the study of all life, but especially...

Title: Physician, Heal Thyself. The Culture War in Medicine By Dr. Patrick Flanagan The Culture War in Medicine (From 2006 Conference) Also...

The 32st Fr. Feeney Update: 159 The Way of the Cross and the Walk for Life 160 Commemorating a Golden Anniversary  161 A Continuing Crusade...

The 17th Fr. Feeney Update: 82 A Heretic or a Hero 83 The New Code of Canon Law 84 The Danger of Secular Humanism 85 Becoming Soldiers of Christ 86 Evil...

Pick your speaker of choice. A collection of conference talks of Br. Andre Marie, M.I.C.M ., Mr. Potter , Dr. Robert Hickson and  C.J. Doyle from...

The 31st Fr. Feeney Update: 154 The Immemorial Mass in Catholic Tradition 155 Angels and the Angelus 156 A New Universal Catechism for the Church 157...

By Fr. Lawrence Smith Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Life Beyond the Ritual (From 2004 SBC Conference)...

The 36th Fr. Feeney Update: 180 The Growing Assault on Public Morality 181 The Church in the Troubled Middle-East  182 Is the Vatican...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Also available as MP3 downloads The philosophic study of the first principles of moral conduct, which are meant...

The First Fr. Feeney Update: 1. Is there salvation outside the Church? 2. Did Father Feeney preach truth or Heresy? 3. The Controversy over salvation,...

The 18th Fr. Feeney Update: 87 Devil Worship: Fact or Fiction? 88 Sharing in the Body and Blood of Christ 89 The Mission of the Apostles 90 The Apostolic...

Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Living to Fight Another Day By Mr. Gary Potter This talk is about how...

The 22nd Fr. Feeney Update: 108 The Bishops of the United States and the Challenge of the Universal Church 109 Is Feminism Helping Or Hurting The Faith?...