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Spiritual Life

From the works of Alphonsus Ligouri Adapted by Rev. Cornelius J. Warren, C.SS.R. The 12 virtues we must all acquire to be happy in this world and to save...

Fr. Joseph Frey Praying the Psalms, "The Perfect Book" Art Board Soft leather , 368 pages

Mike Church Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind Our conference moderator , Mike Church, titled his presentation “ The Holy...

Rev. James E. Sullivan Prayerful thoughts on the Life and Teaching of Christ. Pocket Size Soft leather , 627 pages

Brother André Marie, MICM   Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind   Brother Andre’s second talk was titled “ The Lernaean...

By St. Francis de Sales, Compiled by Pere Huget In Consoling Thoughts on Eternity , St. Francis de Sales, the beloved Doctor of the Church,...

By Father David Phillipson Three Spiritual Conferences Title: Prayer, Penance, and Peace Given on March 26, 2011 at Saint Benedict Center....

D. Roberto. Hermit of Monte Corona A treasury of magnificent truths and inspiring stories about the Blessed Virgin Mary and her great love for us. Shows...

The Storm Novena, what an unusual name. The story of this novena and the instructions for offering it are to be found inside this priceless little book....

Compiled by Penny Hickey, O.C.D.S.   Carmelite history and prayer begin with Elijah on Mount Carmel. From Elijah has descended a long line of saints...