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Spiritual Life

By Archbishop Alban Goodier, S.J. Archbishop Goodier published these 50 Meditations in 1925. In his author's preface he wrote “These notes were...

The complete and unabridged commentary of Cornelius aLapidé on the First and Second Epistles of Saint Paul to the Corinthians and his Epistle to the...

Pere Liagre C.S. Sp. This "retreat in a book" presents to the busy reader of today a perfect little tool to assist in translating from inspiration to...

By Father Leonard Feeney Not Made for This World is a collection of talks, some formal, some informal, given by Father Leonard Feeney at St. Benedict...

The Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary A treasury of meditations, thoughts, and prayers of the saints along with stories of the love of the Sacred...

By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. 2020 SBC Conference Theme:  Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind In keeping with the theme of...

Mike Church Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind   Our conference moderator , Mike Church, titled his presentation “ The Holy...

By Fr. John J.  Hugo Fr. John Hugo (1911–1985) was a priest of the Diocese of Pittsburg who spent much of his life giving retreats based upon those...

Fr. Christopher Rengers, O.F.M. Cap. Nothing connected with the Passion and Death of Christ was purely accidental. And although Our Saviour was...

By Rev. Fr. Albert J. Hebert, S.M. A Prayerbook of Favorite Litanies will add a new dimension and heightened devotion to your daily prayer life....