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Politics and Society

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By Father Denis Fahey This book examines the bankrupt policy of the Russians' use of collectivism in farming which produces starvation and famine...

By Mr. Joseph Sobran Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: How the Constitution Was Stolen (From 2001 SBC Conference) Also...

ALSO AVAILABLE IN DOWNLOADABLE MP3's  (CLICK HERE) The DVDs and MP4s won't be available until November 1 Theme: Resisting the Revolutionary...

By Rev. T. J. O'Kane Who is right: The Tea Party or Occupy Wall Street? While both object to genuine evils, neither has the real answer. Who does? Why,...

Title: The Triumph of the Catholic Cause: On Trust, Providence, and Action By Mr. John Sharpe One of the major points of this compelling talk by Mr....

By Father Denis Fahey From the French of Rev. A. Philippe, C.SS.R., Fr Fahey is able to capture the root cause of the ills of society by teaching us of...

By Br. Anthony Mary M.I.C.M. (Tert.) Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: A Brief History of Our Crusade and Its Mission for the...

Title: Creatures Rather Than Mini-gods: War, States, and International Relations in a Restored Christendom By Mr. John Sharpe He says that...

Title: The Triumph of the Catholic Cause: On Trust, Providence, and Action By Mr. John Sharpe One of the major points of this compelling talk by Mr....

Divine Madness Plato's Case Against Secular Humanism By Josef Pieper The popular Thomistic philosopher and writer Josef Pieper focuses on the...