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Life after Pope Benedict MP3



By Mr. Charles Coulombe 

Theme: Catholic and counterrevolutionary


Mr. Coulombe is a gifted orator with a vast amount of knowledge. His presentations are always peppered with humor. This year’s talk was right on par. Setting the stage by pointing out how traumatic it was for him growing up in the aftermath of Vatican II and surviving four years of high school under the revolutionary Immaculate Heart of Mary sisters in California, Charles shared his enthusiasm when Pope Benedict XVI was elected. He went on to highlight some of the good things, doctrinally and liturgically, that came with the papacy of the German pope, and then how devastated he was when the Pope who had prayed in his inaugural Mass that he “would not flee from the wolves” ended up abdicating. And, after Benedict? The second half of the talk is an analysis on the present pontificate abetted by a roster of  current hopeful signs in regard to the new vocations, priests, brothers, and sisters, who yearn for the return of the Faith, religious life in the spirit of the founders of Orders, and the sublime Latin liturgy of the Mass of the centuries. 

From 2014 SBC Conference

File Size: 46 MB

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