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The Church, the Mystical Body

SBC-97 - 02

Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion

Title: The Church, the Mystical Body

By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M.

There are four great mysteries of our holy Catholic religion, and the greatest mystery for us, the mystery of which we are a part, is the Mystical Body of Christ.  The Blessed Trinity, the Incarnation, and the Holy Eucharist are the other great mysteries.  In this very enlightening presentation, Brother André discusses God’s elevation of man by sanctifying grace and, what is even more astonishing, God’s further elevation of man through a reception of Jesus Christ in Holy Communion.  By being assimilated into the Body of Christ our human nature is divinized through Him.  We are made one with Him. A son of Adam is given a share in the divine nature such that he becomes a son of God. Brother makes ample use of the writings of several doctors of the Church, the epistles of St. Paul, and especially Pope Pius XII’s great encyclical on the Mystical Body, Mystici Corporis, to give his audience much to reflect on.

(From 1997 Conference)

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