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Arguing Baptism of Desire MP3



Theme: Fighting the Good Fight for 50 Years and Ready for the New Millennium

Title: Arguing Baptism of Desire

By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M.

This talk is a good addition to a well-educated "Feeneyite's" library. It deserves a place right along with the Center Course on the Dogma (audio set).  With easy to follow lucidity of argument Brother defends St. Benedict Center's position that Baptism of Desire CANNOT stand in place of water baptism as a means of salvation, but of justification only. He then discusses the question of the efficacy of an “implicit desire” for baptism as promoted by the Marchetti-Salvegianni Holy Office Letter of 1949 to Archbishop Cushing of Boston.  You will find important definitions of such terms “justification” and “baptism of desire” in this talk and the reasons why it is essential to know their meaning in dealing with those who have an agenda to make Father Feeney look extremist.

(From 1999 SBC Conference)

Audio duration: 47 minutes

File Size: 36 MB

Also Available as CD

Excellent talk on putting the metaphorical baptism issue to rest. After listening, I have a greater understanding of Fr. Feeney's teachings (aka the Church's teaching) as someone who's only recently learned of the dogma and confused. I like how Br. Andre addresses the Dimond Brothers and what differentiates St. Benedict Center from their heretical views.You will be equipped with solid arguments against baptism of desire and know the arguments for it and how to address it. Be prepared to take notes!
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