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$3.00 $2.10
By Brother André Marie MICM 2023 Conference Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Br. André Marie, MICM — ‘Virtue is the...

$3.00 $2.10
Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" John Sharpe — ‘Neither to the Right Hand nor to the Left’: Integral Catholicism in...

$3.00 $2.10
By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M.   Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused  Concepts Title: “‘Always Let Your...

$3.00 $2.10
Title: Yes, There Is Such a Thing as Catholic Politics (But It's not What You Might Imagine): Theoretical Notes and Historical Anecdotes. By Mr. John...

$3.00 $2.10
By Robert Hickson Theme: The Romance of Wisdom Title: Wisdom's Slow Fruitfulness And The Adventure Of Our Probation As a professor of literature,...

$3.00 $2.10
Theme: In the World But Not of It Title: Why Saint Benedict Center? By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. At the beginning of this talk, Br. André lets...

$3.00 $2.10
By Br. John Berchmans, M.I.C.M., Tert Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion Title: Why I Never Followed the Novus Ordo Mass This...

$3.00 $2.10
Mr. Charles Coulombe  — Why Blessed Emperor Charles Persevered “ How do you persevere? How do you keep doing your duty in very dark times?” To answer...

$3.00 $2.10
Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Why Be a Tertiary? Br. Andre explains the history of the Third Order within the...

$3.00 $2.10
By Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. Brother André devotes these two talks to the qualities a Catholic should be looking for in a prospective spouse.  But...