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By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. 2017 SBC Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima In her talk,  “Hatred, Ambition, and...

Theme: The Perpetual War Between Satan & Our Lady Title: The Greatest Threat Yet By Mr. Gary Potter Gary discusses the threats that have...

By Brother John Marie Vianney, MICM, Tert Our Third Order Prefect spoke about a few of the great saints and theologians of the Counter-Reformation and...

By   Mr. C. Joseph Doyle   Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills. The nation was Austria. If one needed...

Brother André Marie, MICM   Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind Brother Andre’s second talk was titled “ The Lernaean Hydra...

Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? By Mr. Gary Potter — Where Do We Go From Here? Gary Potter gave a provocative and...

By C. Joseph Doyle 2017 SBC Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Winding up the line of speakers was C.J. Doyle. His talk was...

By Br. John Berchmans, M.I.C.M., Tert Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion Title: The Conspiracy & The Church The Catholic...

Theme:  Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind  Get the whole set on   CD, DVD,   MP3   or   MP4 . Brother Andre Marie  Acquiring...

Theme: Catholic and Counterrevolutionary By  Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. ,  Dr. Robert Hickson ,  Mr. Charles Coulombe...

By C. Joseph Doyle 2018 SBC Conference Theme: Saving America This talk discusses the history of Catholicism in America, including early Catholic...

By Gary Potter Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: The Social Reign of Christ the King Pope Pius XI’s promulgated his 1925...