Echevarria, Rev. Juan
Editors of Popular Mechanics
Elizabeth of the Trinity, Sister
Elwell. Right Rev. Msgr. Clarence E., Ph.D.
Emmerich, Bl. Anne Catherine
Ephrem the Syrian, St.
Eudes, Saint John
Faber, Father
Fahey, Father Denis C.S.S.p., B.A., D. Ph.D, D.D.
Fallon, Sally
Fanfani, Dr. Amintore
Farrell, Fr. Walter
Farrell, Rev. Edward, O.P.
Fazzini, Gerolamo
Feeney, Father Leonard, MICM
Fehlner, Fr. Peter Damian, FI
Fellows, Mark
Frere Francois de Marie des Anges
Ferrara, Christopher A.
Feurst, S.T.D., Right Rev. Msgr. Anthony N.
Fiorentino, Reverend Monsignor Dante Del
Fiorelli, Father Lewis
Fisher, Paul A.
Fisher, St. John
Foley, Michael P.
Forbes, F. A.
Fort, Gertrude Von le
Fortescue, Adrian
Francis de Sales, St.
Francis, Mother Mary, PCC
Frey, Fr. Joseph
Fruth, Dom Alban, O.S.B.
Fulkerson, Fr. B. R.
Furlong, Rev. Philip J., Ph.D.
Gainor, Rev. Leo C., O.P.
Galvin, James J., C.SS.R.
Gardiner, Harold C. S.J.
Garrigou-Lagrange, Rev. Reginald, O.P.
Garrison, Webb Sr.
Gasquet, Francis Aidan, O.S.B.
Gaume, Msgr.
Geiger, Fr. Angelo Mary
Georges, Norbert, O.P.
Germanus, St. of Constantinople
Gertrude, St. the Great and the Religious of her Monastery
Gibbs, Rt. Rev. Abbot Gabriel
Gibson, Mel
Goffine, Fr. Leonard
Goldmann, Gereon Karl, O.F.M.
Goodier, Archbishop Alban , S.J.
Gregory, Pope the Great
Griswold, Emily
Groenings, Fr. James , S.J.
Grou, Father Fr. Nicholas, S.J.
Guardini, Romano
Gueranger, Dom Prosper O.S.B.
Guerrera, Fr. Vittorio
Guimaraes, Atila Sinke
Hammer, Rev. Bonaventure
Hammond, Colleen
Hannan , Rev. Jerome D., Ph.D., J.C.D.
Haydock's Notes, Rev. George Leo
Healy, Fr. Martin
Hess, David
Hickey, Penny, O.C.D.S.
Hoever, Fr. H., S.O.Cist., Ph.D.,
Homan, Helen Walker
Horvat, Marian Therese, Ph.D.
Hubbard, Margaret Ann
Hughes, Rev. Thomas, S.J.
Hume, Ruth Fox
Hutchinson, Thomas A.