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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
Opening Remarks by Brother André Marie and Counterrevolution as an Affirmation: Amid the Allure of False Dialectics By  Dr. Robert...

By Brother Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. This commentary of Chapter 20 of Saint John is on Christ's resurrection and manifestation to his disciples....

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Also available as MP3 downloads The study of knowledge itself. How does man know and what is it that is known?...

Title: The Necessity of the Church for Salvation: Overview of an Irreformable Catholic Doctrine By Brother André Marie, MICM...

The 47th Fr. Feeney Update: 241 The Church, and the World of Medicine  242 Healthcare: A Catholic Perspective 243 Your Conscience: Something...

By Brother Francis Maluf MICM These 9 talks are compiled from the  Sunday Talks . Between 1978 and 1989 in Still River and Bolton, Massachusetts,...

By Mr. C. Joseph Doyle Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines Title: Neglected Catholic Heroes of America C.J. Doyle is a historian, political...

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: Laureate of Little Towns: Father Feeney’s Place in Catholic...

The 27th Fr. Feeney Update: 133 Was Communism Taboo at Vatican II? 134 The Church in the Soviet Union 135 The Pope and the Chair of Peter 136 The Bishop...

By Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M.   Complementing Mr. Coulombe’s talk, Brother André introduced us to a great English martyr,...

By Brother André Marie, MICM On Saturday, April 25, Brother André Marie spoke at the 2015 Napa Valley Catholic Men’s...

The 25th Fr. Feeney Update: 123 Is War Immoral? 124 Separating from the Unity of the Church 125 Dialogue: Is it Good for the Church 126 Catholicism and...

The 37th Fr. Feeney Update: 186 Do We Still Have Catholic Universities? 187 Holy Scripture: Is It Being Undermined Today? And if so, by Whom?...

By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused Concepts Title: ‘Always Let Your...

The 14th Fr. Feeney Update: Contains #67-71 Programs: 67 The Novus Ordo Syndrome 68 Ecumenism: What does it Really Mean? 69 The Door of Ignorance 70 The...