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Continuity of Religion


This is a course in Catholic scriptural history that utilizes as a companion text the great masterpiece of Bishop Jacques Bossuet, The Continuity of Religion. This is the best book on the "Catholic philosophy" of history ever written. Brother Francis calls history the "laboratory of wisdom," and in no course does this maxim find a better proof. The talks were given to a weekly study group, so the atmosphere is like that of a classroom. Our beloved instructor, who was ninety when he gave the course, has his students read a portion of the book each week and then he comments on the assigned reading. There are a few memory items to help the student along in placing the Old Testament characters and figures in the proper times. The continuing theme throughout the renowned Bishop’s book is the Providence of God and the economy of salvation as evidenced in Bible history and the history of great Gentile nations as they encountered the People of God. This course is especially suited for students in the upper grades, college students, or adults who wish to know their Catholic history (which dates from Adam till today) in more than a matter-of-fact manner.  You must have a copy of the book for use with this course. (17 talks)

 For this course on downloadable mp3 click here.

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