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De Oratione


De Oratione: A Collection of Humbert of Romans' Writings on Prayer (Translation by Fr. Thomas Crean, OP)

The present translation, prepared by Fr. Thomas Crean, OP, is the first appearance in English of most of Humbert’s writings on prayer. It should certainly be welcomed not only by those interested in Dominican or medieval spirituality but also by any reader who wishes to know more about how Christians have prayed through the centuries and by those looking for assistance or inspiration in their own spiritual life.

Introduction by Fr. Gregory Schnakenberg, OP

Praise for the book: 

Fr. Crean offers a lucid and accessible translation of this little classic of Dominican spirituality. It merits reading today as it offers a pithy guide for a prayer life that draws from sound tradition and practice, liberating prayer from an excessive subjectivity without being impersonal or impractical, and offering a wholistic and gentle discipline to nurture true growth in prayer. – Fr. Hugh Somerville Knapman, OSB, Monk of Douai; author of Ecumenism of Blood: Heavenly Hope for Earthly Communion

Prayer is the oxygen of the world. Without it, all goodness and virtue fail. This is why the Lord made it clear that we must always pray and never lose heart (cf. Lk 18:1). It is also why the Apostle gave a similar command to pray unceasingly (cf. 1 Th 5:17). Prayer is indeed the one necessity; if more people pray, and if those who do, pray better and more frequently, the tide of evil will be turned back. This being so, the publication of this translation of Humbert of Romans’ treatise on prayer can only be a source of great hope, as it provides multiple insights into what prayer is and how to go about it. It makes you want to pray, and wanting it is all you need to get started. Fr. Thomas Crean has done us all a great service with this translation. May it be spread far and wide. - Dom Pius Mary Noonan, OSB, Notre Dame Priory, Colebrook, Tasmania

Fidelity to prayer is one of the chief signs of sanctity; it is also one of the chief means by which to become a saint. For those who are interested in a pre-modern authentic guide to Dominican prayer, Humbert of Romans’ work is exemplary. Originally written for religious who pray the Divine Office, it is applicable for everyone, since the Psalms are the Church’s primary prayer book. I recommend it for everyone. – Fr. Ezra Sullivan, OP, Professor at the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (Rome); author of Habits and Holiness: Ethics, Theology, and Biological Psychology (forthcoming, CUA Press, 2020)

ISBN: 978-1-989905-24-1 | Paperback

Size: 5.5 x 8.5

110 pages

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