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Doctors of the Church / Project Latin Pt. 3/ Socialism, Modernism, & Americanism MP3

AC - 07


By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. and Br. Anthony Mary M.I.C.M. (tert.)

Br. Francis continues the Latin course as described in previous sets. This simple method of getting familiar with the Latin language has proved to be very popular with the students. It is meant to acquaint those with the Church’s language who have little free time to study. The secret is to be consistent and proceed in small steps.

Brother also begins a series of short talks on the doctrines of four important Doctors of the Church. They are: Saint Ephrem, Saint Augustine, Saint Thomas Aquinas, and Saint Francis De Sales.

Brother Anthony Mary M.I.C.M. (Tert.) was given the assignment to study and discuss three important encyclicals of modern times. These three address the issues of Americanism, Modernism, and Socialism. The encyclicals studied are: Testem Benevolentiae of Leo XIII, Pascendi Domenici Gregis by Pope Saint Pius X, and Quadragesimo Anno by Pius XI, which condemns Socialism and unrestrained capitalism. This set also includes this set on Amercanism and Pascendi, click here.

15 Classes

File Size: 508 MB

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