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I Knew Fr. Feeney / Opening and Closing Remarks

SBC-97 - 00

By The Honorable Joseph R. Nolan

Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion

Title: I Knew Fr. Feeney

Br. Francis opens the conference on the centenary of Fr. Feeney's birth by explaining the importance of the Saint Benedict Center's crusade and how the solution to the crisis in the Church is Fr. Feeney's prescribed remedy of returning to orthodoxy and tradition, especially in defending the thrice defined Dogma of Faith, for he foresaw ahead of anyone else before Vatican II the impending collapse of the faith. In Judge Nolan's talk, he speaks right from the heart about his memories of Fr. Leonard Feeney whom he had the pleasure of knowing through his brother, Fr. Thomas Feeney, whom he first met at Boston College. He shares anecdotes about Fr. Feeney and his ministry near Harvard where he saw in him a most loving, selfless priest who cared deeply for souls, and how he always found charitable ways in approaching non-Catholics. He dispels the myth in his day and today of Father being a "hate priest". In addition, the good judge bears testament to Father's intellect which were expressed beautifully in his poems and lectures. After listening to both Br. Francis and Judge Nolan, one will have a greater appreciation for being apart of the Saint Benedict Center's crusade in following the example and spirit of so great a founder as Fr. Feeney.

(From 1997 SBC Conference)

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