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Helping the Truth Along A Little...


By Dr. Robert Hickson

Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused Concepts

Title: “Helping the Truth Along A Little: Some Nuanced Catholic Understandings of ‘Right’ and ‘Freedom’

Quoting American humorist, Artemis Ward, Dr. Hickson spoke of four of his favorite writers, who have “have helped the truth along without encumbering it with themselves”: Joseph Sobran, Evelyn Waugh, Hilaire Belloc, and Maurice Baring. He also showed a tremendous appreciation for Evelyn Waugh, two of whose books are among his favorites, Helena and Saint Edmund Campion. The English martyr’s “way of sacrifice,” showed not only what to have “freedom from,” but what to have “freedom for.” Robert Hickson’s personal association with Jesuit Father John Hardon, whom he quoted copiously, provided a dogmatic framework to these literary considerations.

From 2011 SBC Conference

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