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Fr. Feeney Update Radio Programs #22 MP3



The 22nd Fr. Feeney Update:

108 The Bishops of the United States and the Challenge of the Universal Church
109 Is Feminism Helping Or Hurting The Faith?
110 Ecumenical Councils And Their Role In The Life Of The Church
111 Another Look At Fatima
112 The Legacy Of The Empress Zita

Every Saturday morning from 1987 through 1993 Brother Francis would be interviewed on a radio program that was aired from Boston throughout New England. It was called The Fr. Feeney Update because Father's memory and teaching were kept alive weekly on New England air-waves by his oldest and closest disciple. Brother would typically answer any theological or pastoral question with the words "Father Feeney taught us that . . . etc." The host of the program was Pat Romano, publisher of the New England Catholic News, and a professional radio news commentator with ABC News for over 30 years. Mr. Romano's mellifluously toned questions were usually concerned with the issues of the day that pertained to the Church and her mission, but they would also spin off into current world events, history, theology, lives of the saints, the liturgy, and contemporary assaults against traditional Faith and Christian morals by enemies within and without the Church. There were 330 programs in all, each recording lasting fifteen minutes. Every program is a small masterpiece of Catholic journalism.

Time Duration: 70 Minutes

File Size: 42 MB

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