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VO - 01

Fr. Willie Doyle's brilliant little book for vocational questions has helped countless souls to follow God's will. First published in 1913 despite few supporters, Fr. Willie hoped that it would encourage youth in need of assistance in following the religious vocation. By the time of his death, in 1917, the 9th edition (90,000 copies) was nearly exhausted, and by 1943, 160,000 copies in ten languages had been distributed. A few days before his death, Fr. Willie wrote to his father concerning "Vocations": "It is consoling from time to time to receive letters from convents and religious houses, saying that some novice had come to them chiefly through reading ‘Vocations’; for undoubtedly, there are many splendid soldiers lost to Christ’s army for the want of a little help and encouragement…”


The text can be read our website here.

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