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Amid the Confusion; Our Spiritual Mother

SBC-97 - 04

Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion

Title: Amid the Confusion; Our Spiritual Mother

By Mr. Gary Potter

In this program, the author talks about our spiritual Mother, Our Blessed Lady, who is our greatest hope. Focusing on the teachings of Saint Maximilian Kolbe and “the Immaculata”, this talk summarizes the basic points of devotion to Our Lady as taught by Saint Maximilian. According to the Holy Scriptures, God placed an eternal enmity between the children of Mary and those of Lucifer, but at the end, it is Our Blessed Mary who will surely crush Satan. The Militia Immaculata is a spiritual army composed of the children of Mary who endlessly fight against the children of Lucifer as revealed in the Bible. It follows that all children of Mary must be baptized (by water) and thus form part of the Church Militant, which fights against her enemies. It is also discusses the importance of the revelation of Our lady as the “Immaculate Conception”. Our Lady, spouse of the Holy Ghost and Refuge of Sinners, is singularly conceived without the stain of original sin. Our Lady is the Queen of the Counter-Revolution. She will triumph over the present day crisis in the Church, as she promised at Fatima.

(From 1997 SBC Conference)

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