By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.
ST-07 Sunday Talks from Oct. 1980 to Feb. 1981
Between 1978 and 1989 in Still River and Bolton, Br. Francis taught us every Sunday after Mass. His talks set us on fire. They truly conveyed to us the spirit of Fr. Feeney and the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center. Every talk was unique, and though he generally used the liturgy for the day as the primary topic, once he began to speak the range and variety of the subjects covered was simply breathtaking! These are talks you will never forget. This is the seventh set in this series and covers the Sundays from Oct. 1980 to Feb. 1981. There are 11 sets(#1 - #10a) in this series. Each set has 12 files. All of these classes were recorded in Still River, MA. Sets#11 - #16 were recorded in Bolton from 1986-89.
73 - 110280 - 22nd Pentecost; Sacramentality of the Church; Importance of poetry; Aubre de Vere "The Sacraments of Nature"; Purgatory; Indulgences; Dies Irae
74 - 110980 - Sundays before Advent; Betrayal of the Church; 5 Titles of the Popes
75 - 111680 - St. Gertrude; Charles Warren Stoddard; Memory Items
76 - 112380 - Last Sunday After Pentecost; Dies Irae; Number Game; Theodore of Studium
77 - 113080 - 1st Advent; End Times; Purgatory; Dies Irae; Poem of Virgil translated by Thomas Walsh
78 - 012780 - 2nd Advent; Emily Hickey; December Feasts; Devotion to the Divine Infancy
79 - 121480 - Gaudette Sunday; St. Francis of Assisi; St. John the Baptist and Baptism; Rev. John H. Stapleton; Canticle of Br. Son
80 - 122180 - 4th Advent; St. Thomas on Habit; Importance of poetry; Description of weekly courses; Number 5; Msgr. Gaume "Catechism of Perseverance"; Sign of the Cross; Litany of Loretto
81 - 011181 - Holy Family Sunday; 3 major Encyclicals of Catholic Family life; 7 great Christian dynasties; St. Augustine on the Epiphany
82 - 011881 - 2nd Epiphany; January Feasts; Holy Name; 9 Charismata of the Apostles; 6 means of Purification; Wedding of Cana
83 - 020881 - 5th Epiphany; Authority of the Pope; Number 14; Adoramus te Christe; 1648 Treaty of Westphalia/Birth of Leonard Goffine; litany of Loretto
84 - 021581 - Septuagesima; Adoramus te Christe; Our Lady of Lourdes; Immaculate Conception; Popes of the 19th Century; Mutatis Mutandi
12 Talks
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