Acquiring Spiritual Immunity: The Virtues and Gifts That Turn Pathogens into Abundant Life
By Brother André Marie, MICM
Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind
“Acquiring Spiritual Immunity; the Virtues and Gifts that turn Pathogens Into Abundant Life,” spells out the grand theme of this year’s conference. He spoke about the theological virtues as infused habits which we receive at Baptism, the moral virtues of prudence, justice, fortitude and temperance, the seven gifts of the Holy Ghost which are not infused virtues but are like sails on our ship awaiting the wind of the Paraclete for their activation into acts. Nor did Brother forget to explain the twelve “fruits” of the Holy Ghost which are present when we are in the state of grace. They flow from the practice of the virtues. The Eight Beatitudes are contained in and excel the twelve fruits. Brother Andre devoted a good part of his practical advice at the end of his talk to the current war we are engaged in and how not to be overwhelmed by the lies of the media. Everyone needed a spiritual reboot.
2020 SBC Conference
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