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2013 SBC Conference MP4



Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean?


Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Opening Remarks CD or MP3

Dr. Robert HicksonReflections on the End of Time: Transcending the Dialectic of Liberal and Conservative CD or MP3

Sr. Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. — Conserving The Liberal Arts For Salvation — Saint Benedict Center and Intellectual Formation CD or MP3

Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M.The Illiberality of Religious Liberalism CD or MP3

Mr. Gary PotterWhere Do We Go From Here? CD or MP3

Mr. Yves JacquesSocial Credit in the Light of the Catholic Social Teaching and the Application at a Community Level CD or MP3

Mr. Charles CoulombeConservatism in America - Has it Ever Existed? CD or MP3

Mr. Brian KellyLiberalism in Faith or Morals is a Sin, but is Conservatism a Virtue? CD or MP3

Mr. C. Joseph Doyle —  Liberalism: The Modern Phase of Odium Fidei CD or MP3

Panel Discussion (all speakers / moderated) CD or MP3


Also on downloadable mp3.

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