Theme: Sursum Corda: Lifting Up Our Hearts in a Time of Crisis
2024 Panel Discussion MP3
Featuring Br. Andre Marie, Sr. Maria Philomena, Sr. Marie Gabrielle, Larry Koralewski, Charles Coulombe, Mike Church, Joe Doyle, and Commander John Sharpe, this Q & A session covers a wide range of topics, including:
- The role of spiritual communion in the possible scenario of losing access to Sacramental Communion;
- The principles and limitations of asking God and Our Lady for “little signs” in order to discern Their will in any given situation;
- How the title of Our Lady as “Star of the Sea” could be related to the talks titles of the various speakers;
- To what degree can we imitate Our Lady in Her sublime relationships with the Persons of the Trinity, i.e., as daughter of God the Father, Mother of God the Son, and Spouse of God the Holy Ghost;
- St. Maximilian’s Kolbe missionary work in Japan;
- The difference between high culture and low culture;
- Whether achieving of the state of being “a thousand times happy” depends upon actually making a Total Consecration to Our Lady;
- Whether the “fear” alluded to by Sr. Marie Gabrielle in her talk is analogous to the fear that is one of the Seven Gifts of the Holy Ghost;
- How handing over our freedom to Our Lady by Total Consecration is not a renouncement of our faculty of free will, but rather an elevation of it;
- Whether we have lost something precious in losing, in the general culture, an appreciation and taste for good Catholic fiction.
File Size: 53 MB