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2003 SBC Conference MP4 Set



Theme: In the World But Not of It

But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you (1 Peter 3:15).

There is a growing tendency today among traditional Catholics, who had long fought in the trenches against modernism and its varied manifestations, to retreat into a bitter reclusiveness. It is a heavy attitude of heart, leaning more towards despair than hope. This corrosive malady of spirit afflicts those who are suffering from battle fatigue, which state seems to oppress them more than any cross they carried while in actual combat.

Loyal Catholics need not only the virtue of fortitude in these trying times, but we also need perseverance. In addition to habitual prayer, one of the best ways to maintain our steadfastness in the Faith is to grow continually in our knowledge of the Faith. This past conference presented a great opportunity to grow in the Faith, both in our knowledge of it and in our zeal to spread it. Without this knowledge we will not be effective in satisfying those who "ask a reason of that hope which is in [us]".

There were fourteen talks stretched out over a four-day schedule. These deliveries covered a wide range of Catholic themes with a special emphasis on Marian devotion.  There were talks on current events in the Church in Nigeria, on hell, on the liturgical wars, on just war theory, on philosophy and contemplation, on distributism, and even on a Catholic perspective on money, sex, and power. Keeping to the theme of “In the World But Not of It” all the speakers gave their listeners many good things to savor and incorporate in their own personal and social lives on their way to eternity.

We know how difficult it is to put aside the money and time to attend our conferences in person; however, by purchasing the CDs you can count yourself a part of the experience. You may have missed the social benefits of the convention, but don't miss out on the educational, which is far more important.

The recordings are all excellent quality reproductions. They would make a valuable gift for an interested neighbor, priest, religious, friend, or relative.


Br. John Eudes, M.I.C.M., Tert.
The Admirable and Immaculate Heart of Mary

Mr. Gary Potter
Money, Sex and Power: A Catholic Prospective

Mr. John Sharpe
Putting First Things First: The Economic Vision of Father Vincent McNabb and the Distributists

Br. Anthony Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert.
The Just War Doctrine: Theory & Current Application

Fr. Evaristus Eshiowu, F.S.S.P.
Tradition & Faith in Nigeria Today

Mr. C. Joseph Doyle
Effective Catholic Action

Mr. Steven Mahowald
Surviving the Liturgical Wars: How to Establish High Church Worship in a Low Church World

Dr. Robert Hickson
Only the Lover Sings: Philosophy and Contemplation

Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M.
Why Saint Benedict Center

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