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The Mystery of the Crown of Thorns

MC - 03

By A Passionist

It is good that the author of this remarkable work of the last century should remain anonymous. Laurels of praise would have contrasted sharply with the crown of thorns he so cherished; and yet he is deserving of much gratitude by those in the Church Militant seeking the narrow way to eternal life. The path was laid out to a fallen Adam when God cursed the earth beneath him: "thorns and thistles shall it bring forth to thee." From the many figures of the crown of thorns in the Old Testament to the reality of that instrument of torture beaten into the adorable head of our Savior amidst insults and spittle, this book will help us to understand something of the mystery of the true ugliness of sin and the Just One had to pay to conquer it.

Sewn Softcover, 400 pages

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