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Garland of Roses (Our Lady's Rosary)

GR - 01

By the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

With 39 (most of them rare), colored illustrations and 4 black and whites, this booklet takes many of the highlights from The Secrets of the Rosary by Saint Louis de Montfort, giving the prayers, origin, and some helpful Rosary advise from this great spiritual master. The meditations for each mystery are taken exclusively from sermons and writings of Doctors and Saints of the Catholic Church. Every mystery is illustrated in color with a 19th century print. History, stories of tremendous battles won, miracles worked and graces obtained through the power of Our Lady's Rosary. How we got the 54-Day Rosary novena and more.

Softcover, 72 pages, Color and B/W Illustrations

A friend showed me a copy of this book. It is absolutely beautiful so I am ordering a couple of copies for myself and others.
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