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Repeating History MP3



 Repeating History: Vincible Ignorance and Useful Tools

Sister took time out from her nursing care for a dying friend of Saint Benedict Center, to drop in and give an uplifting talk about what we can do to be Counterrevolutionaries. Her talk complemented very well that of Brother André. In her winsome style, Sister, who had taught high schoolers just about every subject in the book, was once again the quintessential teacher, only this year she had no blackboard. She talked about loyalty to the doctrinal crusade and the importance of the sacraments in the life of a serious Counterrevolutionary. Three things, simple, but essential, are necessary, she said: Prayer, Work, and Study. And in that order. All three are a must if one is to be effective in being a Slave of Mary. Quoting Saint Louis de Montfort’s prophecy of the Marian saints of the latter days, Sister said “they would wield a sword in one hand and build with the other.” Winding up her talk Sister suggested establishing an order for the day, Morning Offering, midday Angelus, and, of course, the Rosary. Whatever extra prayers, work of charity, or study that we do is a big plus, but the simple things, or, as Our Lady requested at Fatima: “be faithful to the duties of your state in life.”

File Size: 31 MB

From 2014 SBC Conference

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