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Sacred History as Vital to a Catholic Worldview MP4

SBC - 23-8


Theme: "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview"

Chris De Vos — Sacred History as Vital to a Catholic Worldview: Lessons from Catholic Notables of the 19th Century


To Catholics who may be afraid to espouse the idea of a 6,000-year-old earth lest they sound too much like Protestant fundamentalists, Mr. Chris De Vos has a clear piece of advice—don’t be! The label “fundamentalist” has been misapplied, and it is high time we took it back. “To say you’re a Catholic who follows the fundamentals [of the Faith] should be a beautiful compliment.” Believing strongly that doctrine needs to be girded by history, Chris cites countless 19th and 20th Century sources to prove that to date the origin of the universe as 4,000 years from the Incarnation of the Word is no mere fantasy proposed by well-meaning Medievals who did not have the technology to know better.

File Size: 1.1 GB

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