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Spiritual Life

By St. Therese of Lisieux Wouldn't you look forward to spending a few minutes with St. Therese of Lisieux, the best known and loved of all modern saints...

By Matthias Scheeben. Trans. Cyril Vollert, S.J.  "The exposition will be as profound and comprehensive as I can make it; nature and grace must...

Br. Charles Madden, OFM Conv. - 88 pages Small Book Just like the Four Green Fields of the famous Ballad, the articles comprising this book are arrayed...

by Francis J. Conklin There have been many books written of late, or republished from the last century, whose purpose is to awaken Catholics out of...

The Life and Words of St. Charbel By Hannah Skandar & Saint Charbel 116 pages, Softcover   About the Book...

Ascetic and pastoral reflections for young priests, that they may become apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Translated from German by Michael...

$20.00 $17.00
By Fr Serafino Maria Lanzetta 137 Pages, Softcover  There is only one way for God to be with us, to abide with man : the gift of His grace. The...

Theme:   Sursum Corda : Lifting Up Our Hearts in a Time of Crisis   Brother André Marie’s Opening Remarks Sister Marie Gabrielle, M.I.C.M. — A...

This beautiful little shirt pocket sized prayerbook is only 3" x 5" and less than 1/2 inch thick, yet it contains almost 300 pages of wonderful prayers....