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Scriptural Interpretation

SI -20

by Cornelius aLapide, S.J. - Paperback, 120 pages

This small book on the interpretation of Holy Scripture is taken from the first volume of the Great Commentary of Cornelius a Lapide. It is comprised of the Foreword to that book and the 120 or so pages of a Lapide’s preface as well as his Chronology of the life of Christ and his priceless Canons (or standard rules) of Scriptural Interpretation that he composed and followed for his lifetime project.

Being, as we at Loreto believe, the best standards of interpretation ever devised, we felt it important that they receive wider readership. Hence this small volume. Should you be so fortunate as to possess his Great Commentary on the Four Gospels this book is redundant, but either way this handy volume is a great reference tool and one of the best introductions to Holy Scripture available today.


General Preface
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Monotessaron: Chronology of the Life and Work of Christ
Canons of Interpretation
Scriptural References

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