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Politics and Society

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Mike Church — Repossessing the Real Estate of the Catholic Mind While most Catholics...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" Mike Church — Repossessing the Real Estate of the Catholic Mind While most Catholics...

Theme:   "Cultivating and Passing on a Catholic Worldview" DVD INCLUDES CHRIS DE VOS' TALK Mike Church — Repossessing the Real Estate of the...

By de Corte, Gaxotte, and Thibon These essays were originally published in French in 1956.  Translated by Brian Welter.  Foreword by Dr....

By Alan Fimister Softcover, 175 Pages Three days before His Passion, Our Lord warned the High Priests: “the Kingdom of God is taken from you and...

Sr. Mary Concilia O'Brien O. P., Ph. D.- Hardcover - 478 pages This brilliantly concieved and executed textbook was published for Catholic High School...

By G.K. Chesterton For Chesterton fans this collection of articles written over eighty years ago are vintage G. K. The author arranged the articles in...

Theme:   Sursum Corda : Lifting Up Our Hearts in a Time of Crisis   Brother André Marie’s Opening Remarks Sister Marie Gabrielle, M.I.C.M. — A...