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ST-13 Sunday Talks MP3



By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.

ST-13 Sunday Talks from March 1988 to Aug. 1988

#159 - 022888 - St. John Newman Catechism - Second article of Apostles Creed "and in Jesus Christ His only son Our Lord," Third article- "Who was concived by the Holy Ghost born of the Virgin Mary,"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #160 - 030688 - Catechism - Fourth article "Suffered under Pontius Pilate was crucified, died and was buried,"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #161 - 031388 - Catechism - Fifth article "He decended into hell and on the third day rose again from the dead"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #162 - 032088 - Catechism - Sixth and Seventh articles "He ascended into heaven and sits on the right hand of God the Father Almighty"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #163 - 032788 - Catechism - Eighth article " I believe in the Holy Ghost", Ninth article of the Apostles Creed " the Holy Catholic Church, the communion of saints"; Apostles- St. Peter and The Church; Loyolas and the Cabots; #164 - 052988 - Catechism - Fourth article"Suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried." ; The Sign of the Cross; History of the Center; #165 - 062688 - Catechism - Apostles Creed; Loyolas and the Cabots; #166 - 070388 - Catechism - Eighth article of the Apostles Creed "I believe in the Holy Ghost"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #167 - 071088 - Catechism - Ninth article "The Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #168 - 071788 - Loyolas and the Cabots; Catechism - Tenth article "the forgivness of sins"; #169 - 072488 - Catechism - Eleventh article "the resurrection of the body"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #170 - 073188 - Bishop Lefebvre and the troubles of SBC; Catechism - Apostles Creed "life ever lasting"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #171 - 080788 - Catechism - Twelth article"and life everlasting Amen"; Loyolas and the Cabots; #172 - 081488 - Catechism - Articles of the Apostles Creed; Loyolas and the Cabots; #173 - 082188 - Catechism - Father John Neumann on Hope; Vatican I - Pope Pius the IX; #174 - 082888 - Catechism - Habit, Nature, Prayer; Loyolas and the Cabots

16 Talks

File Size: 278 MB

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