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ST-2 Sunday Talks MP3



By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M.

ST-02 Sunday Talks from Holy Family Sunday to Palm Sunday 1979

Between 1978 and 1989 in Still River and Bolton, Br. Francis taught us every Sunday after Mass. His talks set us on fire. They truly conveyed to us the spirit of Fr. Feeney and the Crusade of Saint Benedict Center. Every talk was unique, and though he generally used the liturgy for the day as the primary topic, once he began to speak the range and variety of the subjects covered was simply breathtaking! These are talks you will never forget. This is the second set in this series and covers the Sundays from Holy Family Sunday to Palm Sunday 1979. There are 11 sets(#1 - #10a) in this series. Each set has 12 tapes. All of these tapes were recorded in Still River, MA. Sets#11 - #16 were recorded in Bolton from 1986-89. Available on cassettes or MP3 CD's.

Sunday Talks ST-2 Topics

13 - 010779 - Holy Family Sunday: Christ and the Mass, January feasts, "Think with the Church", The Holy Name
14 - 2nd Epiphany: St. Mary Major, "I am yours, and all that belongs to me is yours", Our Lady of the Snows, "Our Lady, Savior of the Romans", January Feasts, St. Hilary of Poitiers, Psalm 126
15 - 3rd Epiphany: January feasts, Apostles & Councils (Memory Items), 7 Great Periods of History, "As many heads, so many opinions", "There are some outside the fold"
16 - 4th Epiphany: Gloria (Translation); "Be not faint of heart", Redemption vs. Salvation, Monthly Devotions, The Holy Name, Councils (Memory Items), Books of Holy Scripture
17 - 5th Epiphany: February Feasts, Doctors of the Church & their titles, Parables, Council of Trent, Adoro te Devote
18 - Septuagesima: "We Adore Thee, O Christ", Docility and Obedience, Our Lady of Lourdes, Franz Werfel’s Song of Bernadette, Popes of 19th and 20th Centuries, mutatis mutandis
19 - Quinquagesima: Lent, Job, Old Testament, Labor, Anias & Troy, St. Paul on Charity
20 - 1st Sunday in Lent: Poetry, Our Lord's Temptations, March feasts
21 - 2nd Lent: Domestic Church, Pope Infallibility, St. Ephrem, Arianism, Stabat Mater
22 - 3rd Lent: St. Patrick, Job, Patience, 3 Major Betrayals 1755 - Acadians, 1772 - Poland, 1773 - Pope Clement XXIV, Society Of Jesus
23 - Passion Sunday: Feasts Of April, Passion Sunday, Epistle-Sacrifice, St. Gertrude, St. John Chrysostum
24 - Palm Sunday: Feast of April, Father Feeney, Natural vs. Supernatural Goodness

12 Talks

File Size: 266 MB

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