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The Faithful and Wise Servant

SBC - 3.10

By Christine Bryan

Theme: The Romance of Wisdom

Title: The Faithful and Wise Servant


This was a very practical and inspiring presentation in which the speaker, a wife and mother of ten (two being religious sisters in the Slaves of the Immaculate Heart of Mary), made the case for a happy, fulfilled, and even a detached spiritual life being achievable for mothers in a world devoid of Christian morals and sanity. She began her talks with a call for “new beginnings,” quoting one of Brother Francis’ favorite verses of the Psalms — just two words, in fact — Nunc Coepi (Now I have begun).  Four things are necessary for happiness, Mrs. Bryan argues, and they are all found in the book, The Soul of the Apostolate, by Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard. First, one must make a real effort to live a spiritual life, not just wishful thinking, but making the sacrifice and persevering. Second — and this flows from the first — is mastering emotions, keeping inner peace, which is tranquility of soul, and daily asking God’s help in this. This is detachment: no matter what happens in the world, or even around me, if I cannot change it, I can still be still and do my duty in my state in life. As an example Christine acquainted her audience with the mother of Sister Lucia of Fatima. Third, our duty, for ourselves and family, to eat well (healthy foods, that is), and fourth, to move well, by which Christine means to keep the body (and blood) moving in periods of exercise, either by walking or physical chores. This talk is a Catholic self-help motivational shot-in-the-arm from someone — especially Catholic mothers — who tries very hard at walking the walk.

2010 SBC Conference

Also Available as MP3 or DVD

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