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The Lernaean Hydra of Heresy and the Timeliness of Our Crusade MP3

SBC20 - 6


Brother André Marie, MICM


Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind


Brother Andre’s second talk was titled “The Lernaean Hydra of Heresy and the Timeliness of Our Crusade”. The intriguing title is a take-off from the Greek poet Hesiod’s legend of the nine-headed sea serpent. The four main heads of the monster are religious Indifferentism (condemned by Pope Gregory XVI), Liberalism (condemned by Pius IX), Americanism (condemned by Leo XIII), and Modernism (condemned by Saint Pius X). Pope Gregory twice condemned Indifferentism in 1832. It is found in all heresies and leads directly to Liberalism, free Church in a free State, people’s exaggerated democracy and sovereignty. Brother spoke about the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX and the Church’s tolerance of evil in a State is not a license to evil. Attendees were very grateful to learn more about the history of the defense of extra Ecclesiam nulla salus in America even before Father Feeney. Father Michael Mueller defended the dogma against the liberal Paulists and was himself silenced by his own Redemptorist Order. Father Isaac Hecker, founder of the Paulists was an avid Americanist. The last part of Brother’s talk was an excellent exposition of Modernism, which although it went underground under Pius X with his encyclical Pascendi and required Oath Against Modernism for priests, has rallied its four main heads in “modern” times in revolting fashion. He ended with an appeal to evangelize. This is our duty as baptized faithful.

2020 SBC Conference

File Size: 44 MB

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