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The Necessity of the Church for Salvation (CD)

NC - 10

Title: The Necessity of the Church for Salvation: Overview of an Irreformable Catholic Doctrine

By Brother André Marie, MICM

Recently, Brother André Marie was invited to give this talk at a Catholic parish in Mapleville, Rhode Island, at the invitation of the pastor, Father Roman Manchester. He and two other Rhode Island priests, one of whom also attended Brother’s talk, were attendees at our October, 2013, conference. There were about one hundred people present; these included students from Father Manchester’s Adult Catechism class and young confirmandi. Brother’s subject was our doctrinal crusade as it stands in opposition to the current liberal view of salvation irregardless of religious belief. This remarkably lucid and erudite one-hour presentation covered the history of the Church’s infallible de fide teaching on the necessity of being incorporated into the Catholic Church by baptism and remaining therein by faith, and living therein by sanctifying grace through the sacraments. Brother divided his talk into three parts: doctrine (and the legitimate vs illegitimate development of dogma), the irreformability of ex cathedra teaching, and the modern assaults on the literal meaning of extra Ecclesiam nulla salus by subtle loopholes, dissolvent speculations, and direct contradictions. This is the best one-hour summation in defense of the doctrinal crusade of Saint Benedict Center that we have ever produced audibly. It provides an excellent, easily understood, overview of Father Feeney’s and Brother Francis’ life-long teaching in defense of the salvation dogma, with answers to the more common theories put forth against the dogma’s clear sense. Excellent for acquainting interested people with the irreformable dogma as it was upheld throughout the early Church and all the Christian centuries with the exception, obvious to unbiased minds, of our own.

Duration: 60 mintues

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