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The Pope, The Liturgy, and The Anglicans

SBC - 8.09

By C. J. Doyle

Theme: Toward an Integral Catholic Culture: Variations on a Theme of Father Feeney

Title: The Pope, The Liturgy, and The Anglicans

This is a very informative presentation exploring the current "open door" that Pope Benedict is providing for traditional-minded Anglicans who have been seeking entrance, as ecclesial communities, into the Catholic Church. Although the extent of the movement to unity has increased and intensified in the past couple of years with the formation of the Traditional Anglican Community, Mr. Doyle points out that the movement began almost thirty years ago.

There is much valuable historical information in C.J.s talk, which every serious Catholic, who may have questions about the motivations behind the Anglican movement, should know. First, and foremost, our speaker explains that these converts are "traditional-minded." They are already Catholic in their moral beliefs. Doctrinally, they must publicly confess belief in the teachings of the Roman Catechism and "a real test of commitment" in the invalidity of their assumed priestly orders. Mr. Doyle examines what happened under John Paul II when, in 1981, with his Pastoral Provision, he first allowed an Anglican Usage parish to be canonically established in the United States. Today, there are twelve such parishes. With this latest development, our speaker explained what exactly would be the status of the proposed "personal ordinariates" that the Holy Father envisions for these parishes. Another very important part of C.J.'s talk is the issue of the approved Anglican liturgy. Most traditional Catholic are unaware that the Missal in use at these Anglican Usage churches is essentially the Tridentine Mass in English. In fact, they use only the traditional Roman Canon. Our speaker explains the details of other historical precedents in which Rome accommodated, or was planning to accommodate, separated communities, and churches (schismatic orthodox) that were seeking unity. Of course, the issue of clerical celibacy comes immediately to mind, and Mr. Doyle, with his encyclopedic knowledge of Church history, gives his audience a lot of relevant data to digest, while, at the same time, strongly upholding the more Christ-like western discipline of priestly celibacy.

2009 SBC Conference

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