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The Wisdom of Saint Franics De Sales

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Saint Franics De Sales

This compilation of gems of wisdom from this great Doctor of souls is a small tribute to his genius and sanctity and a book from you will derive much consolation.

About the Author:
Saint Francis was Bishop of Geneva and is a Doctor of the universal Church. He was only 55 years old when he died in 1622. He was co-founder, with Saint Jane Frances de Chantal, of the Visitation Nuns. It was to Saint Margaret Mary, a member of that order, that Our Lord appeared and requested the Consecration of France to the Sacred Heart. During his lifetime Saint Francis wrote many books and innumerable letters of spiritual advice. He was known far and wide as the best spiritual director of his day. He converted seventy-two thousand Calvinists back to the Catholic Faith. Introduction to the Devout Life is one of his most widely known works. This compilation of gems of wisdom from this great doctor of souls is a small tribute to his genius and sanctity and a book from you will derive much consolation.

Softcover, P. 26

(Translated by Mario DiTata) 

Table of Contents

Part One: Prayer and the Sacraments
1. The Word of God
2. Devotion to Mary, the Angels, and the Saints
3. The Confession of Sins
4. The Holy Eucharist
5. Other Public Devotions
6. The Spirit of Recollection
7. Consolations in Prayer
Part Two: The Virtues
1. The Selection of Virtues
2. Patience
3. Humility 
4. Obedience 
5. Chastity
6. Poverty of Spirit
7. Modesty
8. Faithfulness to Duty
9. Social Virtues
Part Three: Obstacles to Virtue 
1. Opposition from the World 
2. Temptations
3. Harmful Desires
4. Dangerous Amusements
5. Anger 
6. Rash Judgment and Detraction
7. Anxiety
8. Sadness

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