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2014 SBC Conference Set


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Theme: Catholic and Counterrevolutionary

The seven speakers who led us in our seventeenth annual Saint Benedict Center Conference were each at their best. One new speaker, Brother Alexis Bugnolo, was particularly inspiring. 

Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Opening Remarks CD, DVD, or MP3 

Dr. Robert Hickson — Counterrevolution as an Affirmation: Amid the Allure of False Dialectics CD, DVD, or MP3 

Brother André Marie, M.I.C.M. — Sanctity: Our Counterrevolutionary Grand Strategy CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Charles Coulombe — Life after Pope Benedict CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Gary Potter — What Is the Revolution? CD, DVD, or MP3

Brother Alexis Bugnolo — Creation and the Divine Order of Things: the Truths to Combat the Errors of Our Age CD, DVD, or MP3

Mr. Charles Coulombe — The Other Americans: Loyalists, Confederates, and Other Dissenters – How Catholic Were They? CD, DVD, or MP3

Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. — Repeating History: Vincible Ignorance and Useful Tools CD, DVD or MP3

Mr. C. Joseph Doyle — Developing a Counter-Revolutionary Perspective CD,DVD, or MP3

Panel Discussion (all speakers / moderated) CD, DVD, or MP3

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