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Conference Talks

By C. Joseph Doyle Theme: Catholic Saints & Heroes: Models for our Modern Age Title: Catholic Statesmen of the 20th Century (From 2002 SBC...

By Br. Anthony Mary M.I.C.M. (Tert.) Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: A Brief History of Our Crusade and Its Mission for the...

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Title: The Changing Frontiers of Christendom By C. Joseph Doyle C. Joseph Doyle of the Catholic Action League of Massachusetts is here to remind...

By Sister Marie Thérèse, M.I.C.M. Theme: Toward an Integral Catholic Culture: Variations on a Theme of Father Feeney Title: On the Origin of Cultural...

By Gary Potter Theme: Toward an Integral Catholic Culture: Variations on a Theme of Father Feeney Title: Getting Culture By way of contrasting the...

By Mike Church 2017 SBC Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Mike Church was with us again this year. The title of his talk ...

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Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Reconquering Higher Education By Dr. Thomas Droleskey (From 2004 SBC...

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By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? In his longer conference presentation, defining...

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Theme: Immunizing Ourselves against Viruses of the Mind   The best thing about the Qs and As at the end of any of our conferences is that they are...

By Dr. William Fahey Theme: The Romance of Wisdom Title: "With what wisdom shall he be furnished that holdeth the plough?": Liberal learning, manual...

Title: Tradition & Faith in Nigeria Today By Fr. Evaristus Eshiowu, F.S.S.P. (From 2003 Conference) 10 minute Preview for Free! (4.5...

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By Brother André Marie MICM 2017 Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Opening remarks from Brother André Marie ....

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Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: Our Lady of Fatima and the Conversion of China By Br. Anthony Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert. He...

$3.00 $2.10
Title: Tomorrow’s Christendom By Br. Anthony Mary, M.I.C.M. (Tert.) Theme: An Eye to the Future: Christendom Tomorrow (From 2005 Conference)...

Title: Saint Louis the Kind Militant Catholic By Br. Thomas More, M.I.C.M., Tert. (From 2003 Conference) Also Available as MP3 Three...