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Conference Talks

By Dr. G.C. Dilsaver Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines Founder of the Imago Dei Psychiatric Clinic, G. C. Dilsaver has authored two...

 Save and buy the downloadable mp3 set   Theme: Catholic and Counterrevolutionary The seven speakers who led us in our seventeenth annual Saint...

Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion Title: Amid the Confusion; Our Spiritual Mother By Mr. Gary Potter In this program, the...

  Theme:  “Keeping the Counter-Reformation Going” Speakers will include: Gary Potter  — Finding Reasons...

By Mr. Adam Miller Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: Conversion in America & Atheistic Traditionalism (From 2001 SBC...

Brother André Marie’s Opening Remarks Mr. James Hanisch  — The Fatima Apparitions, a Review Course  MP3 , ...

Title: Catholic Responses in Times of Disorder: Three Historical Novels of A. Manzoni, G. von Le Fort and E. von Handel-Mazzetti By Mrs. Hickson...

For  CD&DVD sets click here!   Downloadable MP3 set click here. Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills....

Also available on audio CD By Dr. Raymond Marcin Professor of Law at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., for the past...

By Br. John Berchmans, M.I.C.M., Tert Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion Title: The Conspiracy & The Church The Catholic...

By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M.   Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused Concepts Title: “‘Always Let Your...

Pre-Order this year's Conference set and save!  Pre-Order the CD&DVD sets here!   Download MP4 set here . Theme:  Total...