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By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-14 Sunday Talks from Oct. 1988 to Feb. 1989 #175 - 090488 - Catechism #176 - 091188 - Catechism - Charity; Loyolas...

Theme: An Eye to the Future: Christendom Tomorrow Title: Long Live Slavery Br. John Eudes M.I.C.M. (Tert.) He is a family man and a member of...

The 16th Fr. Feeney Update: Contains #77-81 Programs: 77 Americanism and the Church 78 The Role and the impact of Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Part 1...

The 15th Fr. Feeney Update: Contains #72-76 Programs: 72 Archbishop Lefebvre Part 2 73 The Holy Name of Jesus 74 The Bread of Life 75 Duty to God 76...

By Gary Potter Theme: The Romance of Wisdom Title: Romancing Wisdom (and Sharing Some) Mr. Potter explored the aspect of wisdom as the highest...

Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills.   Master of Ceremonies, Charles Coulombe, led the Q & A with flair. All of...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-10a Sunday Talks from Jan. to Feb. 1982 (and misc. 1983) #121 - 013182 - 4th Epiphany: Matthew 9:9; Commentary...

By Mr. Brian Kelly Theme: Concerning Heroes and Heroines   Title: Asia Bibi, Languishing Pakistani Mother and Prisoner of Love for Her...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-12 Sunday Talks from Sept. 1987 to Feb. 1988 (in Bolton, MA) #143 - 092087 - Story of the Center as written by...

By Mr. Gerry Matatics Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Are Christianity and Judaism Two Eternal Covenants?...

But sanctify the Lord Christ in your hearts, being ready always to satisfy every one that asketh you a reason of that hope which is in you (1 Peter 3:15)....

By Mr. Charles Coulombe Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? Charles Coulombe, who served as MC for the conference, took occasion of...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. This course studies matter in motion, substantial change, and therefore, the whole material universe as it manifests the...

By Brother Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. 3 Tracks: Br. Francis discourses on the thrice defined dogma Extra Ecclesiam Nulla Salus . 2 Tracks: Question and...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-08 Sunday Talks from Sexagesima Sunday to Ascension Sunday 1981 Between 1978 and 1989 in Still River and Bolton,...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Also available as MP3 downloads In the scholastic sense, psychology is the study of all life, but especially...

Title: Physician, Heal Thyself. The Culture War in Medicine By Dr. Patrick Flanagan The Culture War in Medicine (From 2006 Conference) Also...

The 32st Fr. Feeney Update: 159 The Way of the Cross and the Walk for Life 160 Commemorating a Golden Anniversary  161 A Continuing Crusade...

The 17th Fr. Feeney Update: 82 A Heretic or a Hero 83 The New Code of Canon Law 84 The Danger of Secular Humanism 85 Becoming Soldiers of Christ 86 Evil...

Pick your speaker of choice. A collection of conference talks of Br. Andre Marie, M.I.C.M ., Mr. Potter , Dr. Robert Hickson and  C.J. Doyle from...

By Fr. Lawrence Smith Theme: The Catholic Reconquest: Motives, Models, and Methods Title: Life Beyond the Ritual (From 2004 SBC Conference)...

The 31st Fr. Feeney Update: 154 The Immemorial Mass in Catholic Tradition 155 Angels and the Angelus 156 A New Universal Catechism for the Church 157...

By Brother Alexis Bugnolo Title: Creation and the Divine Order of Things: the Truths to Combat the Errors of Our Age Theme: Catholic...

By Br. Francis M.I.C.M. In this session [AC-3] of his course Br. Francis continues his brilliant talks on the history of the twenty-one Councils of...