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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
The Fr. Feeney Updates: Every Saturday morning from 1987 through 1993 Brother Francis would be interviewed on a radio program that was aired from...

By Dr. G.C. Dilsaver Theme: Right and Freedom: Catholic Considerations on Misused Concepts Title:  —  Rights & Wrongs: Ecclesiastically,...

The 28th Fr. Feeney Update: 138 The Poet Dante and the Priorities of the Supernatural 139 A New Home in New Hampshire 140 The Case of Galileo and the...

By Br. John Marie Vianney, M.I.C.M., Tert. Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: The Circles of Study: Engines of the Crusade (From...

In these recordings Br. Francis reads or paraphrases select articles from the Treatise on Faith found in St. Thomas'   Summa Theologica   and...

The 29th Fr. Feeney Update: 144 Change and Challenge in the Communist Camp 145 May Catholics Believe in Evolution? 146 Catholics and Canon Law 147 The...

The 60th Fr. Feeney Update: 325.  The Synthesis Of All Heresies 326.  Safeguarding The Integrity Of The Faith  327.  A New...

By Dr. Robert Hickson Theme: The Perpetual War Between Satan & Our Lady Title: The Historical Novel as a Channel of Grace (From 2000 SBC...

By Mr. Gary Potter Far more than a biographical talk, this two-hour presentation paints the truest picture of early sixteenth-century Europe ever...

By Dr. Robert Hickson Theme: Looking Toward a Catholic America Title: Deep Trust and the Disposition for Wisdom (From 2001 SBC Conference)...

By Dr. Robert Hickson Theme: The Perpetual War Between Satan & Our Lady Title: The Historical Novel as a Channel of Grace (From 2000 SBC...

By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. ST-11 Sunday Talks from Oct. 1986 to Feb. 1987 (incl. last Still River talk) #127 - 100586 - The Seven Great...

This is a course in Catholic scriptural history that utilizes as a companion text the great masterpiece of Bishop Jacques Bossuet, The Continuity of...

The 51st Fr. Feeney Update: 265 The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass  266 The Mass in Today’s World 267 Opening the...

The Seventh Fr. Feeney Update: Contains #32-36 Programs: 32. Can electronic evangelism be hazardous to your spiritual health? 33. Is there a...