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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
By Br. Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. On Sunday, January 9, 1984 at Saint Benedict Center, Brother Francis Maluf recited some of his of poems from memory....

Title: Criminalizing the Good Guys By Br. Lawrence Mary, M.l.C.M., Tert. From 2007 Conference Also Available as CD

By Jack McManus Theme: Toward an Integral Catholic Culture: Variations on a Theme of Father Feeney Title: The Place of Sound Money in an Integral...

By Gary Potter Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: The Social Reign of Christ the King Pope Pius XI’s promulgated his 1925...

By C.J. Doyle This ad copy writer has never heard a more informative summation of the history that surrounded the period of the Protestant revolt. Our...

Title: The Necessity of the Church for Salvation: Overview of an Irreformable Catholic Doctrine By Brother André Marie, MICM...

By Mr. Gary Potter Theme: Catholic Saints & Heroes: Models for our Modern Age Title: The Making of a Saint This talk is about the process...

Title: Crusade Update By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M., Prior It has become traditional for Brother André to begin the Thursday...

By Sister Marie Thérèse, M.I.C.M. Theme:  Total Consecration to Mary: The Remedy for our Ills Using a few classic Marian books to draw from, Sister...

Theme: Doctrinal Certitude Amid Growing Confusion Title: The Church, the Mystical Body By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. There are four...

Title: Subtle Channels of Divine Grace: Providential Mercy in the Elegiac Poetry and Prose of Maurice Baring By Robert Hickson Dr. Hickson...

Titled: "The Saints and Church Unity" By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. Most traditional Catholics in the West, when they hear the term...