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This is a list of speakers that have given talks at our annual conferences, special events, open houses, etc.
By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M., Prior It consists of 4 talks given in 2013.  The introductory first class is missing the second half. File...

By Sister Marie Thérèse, M.I.C.M. Theme: Toward an Integral Catholic Culture: Variations on a Theme of Father Feeney Title: On the Origin of Cultural...

By Mike Church 2017 SBC Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Mike Church was with us again this year. The title of his talk ...

By Br. André Marie, M.I.C.M. Theme: What Do 'Liberal' and 'Conservative' Mean? In his longer conference presentation, defining...

Title: Tradition & Faith in Nigeria Today By Fr. Evaristus Eshiowu, F.S.S.P. (From 2003 Conference) 10 minute Preview for Free! (4.5...

This set of eight lectures is intended to provide a good representative set of the type of material contained in all the courses offered by our institute ....

By Brother André Marie MICM 2017 Conference Theme: A Worldview in the Light of Fatima Opening remarks from Brother André Marie ....

By Brother Francis Maluf, M.I.C.M. Holy scripture is filled with overflowing praise for wisdom. Not the wisdom of the world, but the wisdom that...

Title: Tomorrow’s Christendom By Br. Anthony Mary, M.I.C.M. (Tert.) Theme: An Eye to the Future: Christendom Tomorrow (From 2005 Conference)...

Title: The Ungodly United Nations By Br. John Berchmans, M.I.C.M., Tert. John McManus is a lifelong traditional Catholic and an American...

By Sister Maria Philomena, M.I.C.M. 2018 SBC Conference Theme: Saving America 55MB Also available as MP4 and CD or DVD

Theme: Honoring the Feast of Christ The King Title: Our Lady of Fatima and the Conversion of China By Br. Anthony Mary, M.I.C.M., Tert. He...

Title: Saint Louis the Kind Militant Catholic By Br. Thomas More, M.I.C.M., Tert. (From 2003 Conference) Also Available as MP3 Three...

Title: The Traditional Mass as a Pattern of Society By Mr. Brian Kelly (From 2006 Conference) File Size: 30.0MB Also Available as CD

Title: Homeschooling: A Means to Sanctity by Fulfilling out Daily Duty By Sr. Jeanne Marie, M.IC.M. (Tert.) Sr. Jeanne Marie, M.IC.M. (Tert.) is a...